Received your letterbox flowers?

Have you received your letterbox flowers?

Have you already received your letterbox flowers? Want to learn how to style your bouquet the way we do? We've put together our top tips to help you arrange your bouquet like a pro and make your flowers last longer.

Welcome to the world of floristry

Floristry is calming and therapeutic. At Petals by Post we believe everyone should be able to enjoy the benefits of flower arranging from their own home. With that said, let's get prepared to start arranging like a pro!
1. Take off your guard petals and protective netting.

These brownish outer petals were left on to protect the delicate inner petals when travelling to you. Gently pinch them away from the base to remove them. Easy!
2. Remove the conditioning tubes and any loose leaves

Remove any leaves that’ll fall below the waterline of your vase or they’ll deteriorate in the water. If this happens, they'll drink the dirty water and fade faster.
Find a Perfect Vase
We recommend starting with a vase that’s about 8-9cm in diameter, which is smaller than you might think but helps to make your bouquet look fuller. If you’re short on vases, a water jug is great to use. Just remember to keep checking the water levels if it you can't see through it.
As a general guide, your vase should be 1/3 of the height of your stems, so don’t be afraid to trim them down to size if you end up using a shorter vase!

Posy vases are a great back-up for when your bouquet finally starts to fade, so you can simply pull out the longer-lasting stems and re-arrange them into pretty little posies. 

Arranging a hand-tied bouquet (like a pro)

Step 1

Trim your stems to different heights 

Trim at least 3-5cm off for the tallest, then use your vase’s height to guide the smallest ( the lowest flower heads should sit on the rim). 

Remember to cut a mixture of stems into each tier.

Step 2

Get your vase ready

Choose your vase, add clean water and the flower food provided to keep your flowers as healthy as possible,

A clean vase is vital to keep your flowers as healthy as possible, make sure you wash and dry it thoroughly before use.

Step 3

Start with your support stems 

Criss cross your support stems in your hand, creating a tipi-like structure. 

Remember to pop any taller stems at the back of the vase and the shortest ones at the front if you are creating a front-facing vase design.

Step 4

Then add your focal flowers 

Add your focal flowers, one variety at a time. 

Again, pop the taller stems at the back of the vase and shortest ones at the front. 

If you’re feeling creative, try to create triangle shapes with three of the same flower to evenly spread out the colours and textures.

Want to make your bouquet last even longer?

Give it a little TLC and it’ll reward you with 7 days or more of beauty. Hooray!
1. Find the right light
Fresh flowers like natural light, but not direct sunlight or heat sources (like radiators).

2. Keep away from fruit
The gases released from fresh fruit can make your flowers wilt really quickly.

3. Keep trimming
Re-trim your stems about 1 cm and refresh your vase water every 3 days.
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